The Journey and the Journal



Ken and I went to the wake of a friend back in the 70s, a friend that we had just come to know. Someone had hinted that it would be great if we could reach out to them for the sake of winning them to Christ. We made a date. We had dinner at their home. We hit it off. We felt it was the beginning of something good.


Another get together was planned...but before we had opportunity to meet with them again, there came a sad phone call. The husband, 28 years old, had died suddenly in the night.


Standing at the casket that night, we experienced an awful devastation, not knowing whether our new friend had ever put his trust in the Lord. We shared grief and tears. Then, Ken put his arm around me and said, "Sharon, if that is ever me in a coffin, don't weep for me because I'll be in a better place."


The next day I wrote this song.


Weep not for me for I am in a better place

I am with the Lord, I’ve seen Him face to face.

Weep not for me, He’s fairer far than tongue can tell

I’m with my Jesus, and all is well.


Weep not for me! How foolish now the things I feared!

He has wiped away my tears, all pain has disappeared.

Weep not for me, He’s sweeter far than tongue can tell

I’m with my Savior, and all is well


Weep not for me! The grave has lost its victory.

Death hath no more sting and I am truly free!

Weep not for m, He’s greater far than tongue can tell

I’m with my Master and all is well.


The streets are really paved with gold!

There really is a crystal sea!

And Jesus really is the Resurrection and the Life!


So, don’t weep for me! I am not alone

And soon we’ll all be here to worship around His throne!

Weep not for me! He’s worthy…more than tongue can tell!

I’m with my Savior! I’m with my Master! I’m with my Jesus!

And all is well.