I am a stranger and pilgrim on the earth. I seek a city which has foundations whose Builder and Maker is God. These entries...some old, some new...tell the story of my trip. They are not in chronological order, but they do cover from "back then" to now.
I don't journal; I write. Never a daily thing with me, I put "stuff" down on paper when something awesome hits me from God's wonderful, breathtaking Word. Almost like a journal. So, what is posted on these pages are stories of me...with Ken, with my family, with others...making the journey with God. Certainly my take on things is not fallible; I welcome comments and corrections. Sound doctrine is very important to me. Email me at sharonheldman@yahoo.com.
Below are two songs that I have sung together in a medley many times in my life. Ken would sometimes come and sit beside me at the piano and either ask me to sing them, or else he'd join me in singing. These rank pretty high in my list of favorites which is very long. They are appropriate for this introduction to my pages of thoughts, lessons and memories. That's enough of a fanfare.
If we could see beyond today As God can see,
If all the clouds should roll away, The shadows flee;
O'er present griefs we would not fret,
Each sorrow we would soon forget,
For many joys are waiting yet
For you and me.
If we could know beyond today As God doth know,
Why dearest treasures pass away, And tears must flow;
And why the darkness leads to light,
Why dreary days will soon grow bright,
Some day life's wrong will be made right,
Faith tells us so.
If we could see, if we could know We often say,
But God in love a veil doth throw Across our way.
We cannot see what lies before,
And so we cling to Him the more,
He leads us till this life is o'er,
Trust and obey.
Norman J. Clayton
Someday life's journey will be o'er, And I shall reach that distant shore;
I'll sing while ent'ring heaven's door, JESUS LED ME ALL THE WAY .
If God should let me there review, The winding paths of earth I knew,
It would be proven clear and true JESUS LED ME ALL THE WAY .
And hitherto my Lord hath led, Today He guides each step I tread ;
And soon in heav'n it will be said, JESUS LED ME ALL THE WAY .
Jesus led me all the way, Led me step by step each day ;
I will tell the saints and angels As I lay my burdens down ,
John Peterson
Yes, Jesus has led me all the way. Ken and I, had we moved to Petersburg, Illinois, were going to name our place, Ebenezer Bend. The house was located on a bend on a tranquil country road. "Ebenezer" was Samuel the prophet's wonderful way of reminding the people: The Lord led us all this way. I never made it to Ebenezer Bend, but I have settled into Ebenezer Townhome!
My pages will include, (beside the thoughts on the Scripture and life), entries on the profound influence of hymns in my life, some of my own music that Ken truly loved and other bits of poetry and prose that has popped up along the way. How I love to write! Even if no one ever reads these pages, I will have been blessed beyond measure in the putting down of God's intimate relationship with me. Already, I've shed some tears as I copied and pasted old documents into each page. How He has proven Himself to me! That's all for now.
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