The Journey and the Journal


This entry won't be a long one. Many words would diminish the point. Sometimes I am amazed at how the Word of God speaks so simply. Ephesians has been a vital book in my life throughout the years. In fact, we memorized it the second year I was on the Youth for Christ quiz team. Yet, one night back in 2004 or thereabouts, God spoke to me from the 5th chapter as never before. Three phrases gripped me. I had read them before, but that night they all seemed to form a little sermon for me. I thought, "Wow! These are important things to ponder!" A serious Christian can grow significantly by paying attention to these three clear steps.

First. Ephesians 5:10 - Find out what pleases the Lord. It is a clear step that can be taken to deepen one's walk with Him. It is a task. A goal. It takes active study. Here's a a couple of things that came to mind. The Lord takes pleasure in those that fear Him. The Lord takes pleasure in those that hope in His mercy. Oh, I do want to know what pleases Him!

Second. Ephesians 5:16 - Make the best use of the time. It's funny how we try so hard to figure out the Christian life when the simple steps are staring us in the face. This is such a clear and succinct guideline but it gets missed by our deep doctrinal efforts to understand the Bible. Maybe it's because this exhortation steps on our toes! But it shouldn't...this is one of the best and easiest items for growing us in Christ.

Third. Ephesians 5:17 - Understand what the will of the Lord is. Another homework assignment. Walking with the Lord is not a merry trek down a primrose path. A serious minded Christian will dig deep to ascertain the will of the Lord, not just for themselves but in the big picture. Another favorite verse comes to mind: the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him. How serious are you about it all?

So, that's it. Three simple phrases that changed my course. They are short and to the point, yet life changing if taken to heart. We make the whole walk-with-God thing so complicated when in fact, it is just a matter of reading, listening and obeying itsy bitsy phrases spoken from the mouth of Almighty God.

One. Two. Three. There's so much more, but just start with these three steps!