The Journey and the Journal



For Your presence on the journey, I thank You, Lord

For Your steadfast love and mercy, Lord, I thank You

For green pastures, quiet streams

For the sunny days of life I lift my praise to You


But thank You, too, for dark tempestuous seas,

Boisterous winds and waves that brought me to my knees.

Thank You for the storms that tried me sore

It was in those storms that I learned to trust You more.


For Your kindness and forgiveness, I thank You, Lord

For Your faithfulness and goodness, Lord, I thank You

For Your comfort in my pain

For the peaceful days of life I lift my praise to You


But thank You, too, for dark tempestuous seas,

Boisterous winds and waves that brought me to my knees.

Thank You for the storms that tried me sore

It was in those storms that I learned to trust You more.


I heard Your voice above the pounding waves of doubt and fear

You said, “Peace be still, be not afraid, for I am here.”


Thank You, Lord, for dark tempestuous seas,

Boisterous winds and waves that brought me to my knees.

Thank You for the storms that tried me sore

It was in those storms that I learned to trust You more.


 (words and music by Sharon Heldman)