The Journey and the Journal


Trying to figure out why this widow thing is harder on some days than others just doesn't work. Every day is pretty much the same routine...up in the morning, shower, dress, go downstairs to the car, check my tires, see if there is transmission fluid on the tarp, do the 45 minute drive to work, work, do the 45 minute drive home, park in the garage, pay bills online, work on one of my writing projects, spend an hour or so with the Lord, brush my teeth, gargle, go to bed.

I started this page a long time ago...a year or so. It's funny, because tonight I decided to get it out of second gear and get going on this website again and wouldn't you know it, today was a hard day. And I couldn't figure it out. Why was I sort of listless? Last Sunday in church I admitted to the Lord that I had had a weak week with Him. I just didn't have those really great times with Him that I usually do. It was a task to settle in for some time reading His Word and prayer time.

Then tonight it hit me. At least part of the answer came...a big part. There has been a huge prayer request on my heart for some time now, a constant heaviness causing me to cry out to God. It has sent me to my face before Him, night after night after night. It has meant delving deeply into His Word to scour His nature and learn of Him for today. I have solicited the prayers of my Christian friends. The burden has been great and the testimony of Christ is at stake.

Well, lately there has been flickers of hope and tiny signs of God working. I have been silently thrilled. Then tonight on my way to church it hit me like a ton of bricks and even more so during prayer meeting...the enemy does not like that we are getting somewhere. I understood that he would do all he can to stop that work in the lives of the people involved, but I missed the fact that he would be attacking me in fury, too. What better way than to confuse the prayer warrior! How smart to discourage and sidetrack! I knew something was really wrong. I just didn't put two and two together. After all these long months of praying and believing, how defeating to stop now.

Elijah sent the servant to check for the signs of rain seven times. I must keep strong. As the prophet said to King Ahaz...if you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.

Widows are susceptible to discouragement. Widows have a great opportunity to be prayer warriors. Widows need to keep their "eyes peeled" as they say because Satan wants to knock them out of the game. We're going to have hard days. That's just the way it is. Yet, I know that if I have some problem of Red Sea proportions, it won't do for me to falter in faith. I need to stay strong. Much depends upon it.