Take what you are today and make it a great gift to those in the circle where God has placed you...not another day of grieving oveer what you have become because of this or that circumstance! Today you are full of assets that God saw fit to bestow upon you in spite of a troubled childhood or junior-high-inflicted emotional pain, or a less-than-loving sibling history. You must forget what is behind! You must forget! You must forget!
Do not grieve God by continuing to view yourself as a lesser person. He who sees you through eyes of fact and truth says that He is searching, not for someone who measures up to any extent to the standard of the present day society, but for someone whose heart is fully seeking Him.
You were badgered. You were shoved aside. You missed out on this or that in your childhood. You sinned "big." Stop talking about it. Stop wallowing. Stop trying to figure yourself out. Today you are a precious child of the King...and don't dare to underestimate that...and you must live free of the past so that He can bless you in the present. We all cling to His promises for the future. But what about today.
Tear off the old clothes and put on the new!
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