The Journey and the Journal - February 27


Well, this favorite verse is on the same subject as one of my other Strange Favorite Verses, but I couldn't help writing my thoughts on one of the verses I memorized lately in Hebrews 11. Here it is:

By faith, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.

This won't be a long page. I just want to say that it touches my heart deeply think about the reconciliation that occurred in the story of this dysfunctional family. I am blessed to know that Isaac was strong with God at the end of his life, speaking words of faith in regard to the future, and I am so blessed to know that his sons were together with him as he died. Does it not grip you to consider the deceit and anger and hatred and fear that had plagued this family and then to catch the simple message of restoration in this verse?

Oh, how much hope it gives me to know that God works in hearts...taking them from a heart full of murder to strength of character. As the brothers met after so many years, Jacob still fearing for his life, there was genuine love and obvious growth in their lives, and according to this verse, Isaac, Jacob and Esau had some time together at the end...was it moments, days, years?...I don't know. In great sincerity, I tell you that these two words...reconciliation and restoration...are precious to me. What an end to a hard story!

I love this verse. It gives me hope.