The Journey and the Journal



I remember report card days so well.  Getting good grades was never a problem, but on the back side of the report card there was a spot for the teacher to jot check my case, check marks usually for talking or being out of my chair, helping other people with their math or spelling.  I hated the four block walk home on those days, report card in hand, knowing that my father would be punishing me once again for my disobedience.


Now, all these years later, I have devised a self-imposed report card for myself.  When I am driving quietly along, or taking a walk, or standing on a pier fishing, I go through the fruit of the Spirit, one by one, and give myself a “grade,” so to speak, on each of them.  I go down the list.  Love.  That one’s okay. Joy, okay.  Peace, hmmmmm, I need some work there.  Longsuffering, whoops! As I go through all of them, I have a talk with the Lord.  “Lord,” I say, “I need the work of the Spirit in me in the area of longsuffering and meekness.”


Take gentleness for instance. Gentleness is true of Christ, and Christ left us an example, we are told in I Peter 2 that we should follow in His steps.  How does gentleness become part of our lives?


I believe that there are two actions that take place whereby this display of the fruit of the Spirit...gentleness... becomes evident in our lives, and these two things are so closely knit that it’s hard to see where one leaves off and the other one picks up.


First, there must be a deep desire to be like Christ.  Second, there must be obedience on my part. …each part of the fruit of the Spirit can be found as commands elsewhere in Scripture.  A deep desire to be like Christ will move us naturally into obedience to His command to be gentle. The Spirit of God floods our life with His pure gentleness and those around us notice, and gentleness from Him is authentic gentleness.


What is gentleness?  Perhaps it’s better to start with, what isn’t gentleness?  It is the absence of harshness, hardness, brusqueness, coldness, self centeredness, and aloofness.


What is it?  It is warmth.  Gentleness evidences a caring attitude.  It is thoughtful, kind, and tender…in action and speech.  It is compassion, forgiveness, and understanding.  Now doesn’t that sound like Christ?


Gentleness in a parent protects the self esteem of a child.


Gentleness restores dignity to an old person in a nursing home.


Gentleness keeps order in a group session.


Gentleness can save a marriage.


Gentleness washes the feet of another.


Take time on a regular basis to check yourself and be honest with yourself and before God.  How are you doing on your report card?  Are there areas of need?  And what about gentleness?  Are you getting an A?  The world is in need of this kind of valedictorians.

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