Lately, I've been hearing from many places that missionaries and Christian work around the world are struggling financially, so much so that some have been brought home or shut down. The economy is in terrible shape and the subject is at least on everyone's mind, if not their lips. Friends of mine lost 40% of what they had saved throughout many years...30, 40, 50, 60...with the latest plummet. This affects giving. We look ahead and there is old age, college education for the kids, sky-rocketing prices and no hope in sight for future stability. The outlook is grim. And not only is the outlook grim, the immediate is grim. Not everybody, but many live from paycheck to paycheck. When Sunday rolls around, it is hard to think about putting something in the offering, let alone a tithe.
I've been praying for "my" missionaries, people Ken and I used to support and also friends of many long years because their prayer letters are telling me that they are short financially. I pray for organizations like Wycliffe and New Tribes because I've been in touch with them for many years, deeply interested in their Bible translation work. Many people have stopped giving. They've stopped giving out of fear.
It is 2009 and it is my personal opinion, based upon the signs of the times which are put forth in the Bible and of which Jesus exhorted us to be aware, that the coming of the Lord draws nigh. Now, I know people say, "We just don't know," and "It could be another 500 years," but I think there is more than sufficient evidence to point to a very soon return.
If this doctrine of the rapture is only clasped casually to the Christian heart, then the tendency will be to clasp the material safety nets around us. If the rapture and the whole story of the end times is preached and taught and learned and savored, it will change everything all the way down to the pocketbook. If Christ is soon to return, then why not open up the tight fists around our money and use it get the gospel to every creature? Oh, I think of those with millions sitting in the bank...and perhaps they are giving huge amounts currently...but if not, I sit and try to imagine how that money would help in Bible translation work and church planting and Christian camps and missionary schools and Christian medical clinics, etc., etc., etc.
And you know what else, hearing and hearing and hearing about the imminent return of Christ does something else. It not only opens the pocketbook but it stirs up a passion for souls...for those we know and love and for those we have never met before.
Jesus bawled out the Pharisees because they couldn't discern from the Scriptures (which they knew very well) what was happening in their day with the appearance of Jesus on the scene. They missed it completely. He chided them for being able to tell what the weather would be that day but not recognizing Him as the Messiah. It is good to be taught the truths of prophecy surrounding the end times and then it's wise to keep our eyes open to the happenings of our day that bear out those teachings. Russia and Iran. 13,000 children dying each day from hunger. Millions dying from AIDS. Seven major earthquakes in seven days.
On and on it goes, every day the list of news items on my computer screen jump out at me! Jesus is coming! We must use our money and talents and dedication now! Remember the old song...Work for the Night Is Coming? Well, if we sang it years ago, then it is even more true now. Watch Israel. Support the work of Christ.
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