Almost always, money was a problem. Ken worked hard. I stayed home with the kids. Though we believed that was the right decision, and still do, life was hard. Nate was born nine and a half months after we were married and the reality of having three mouths to feed, hit hard. There were 21 months between him and Matt. Ginger followed 16 months later and the girls joined us after three years.
Early on, I figured that there’ would be some penny pinching going on in our house, and early on, God began to teach me to trust Him. On one particular day, Nate quite young, we did not have enough money to buy milk for him. Anger towards God surfaced, and as I drove down a busy street in
When I arrived at my mother’s house, there was a letter from my sister waiting for me. As I pulled the letter from its envelope, more than surprised at this rare occurrence, a $10 bill fell into my lap. “I was on my knees down here in
Years later, after a bountiful snow storm, on a night where discouragement and tears were also bountiful--money was not--Ginger came to me where I was sitting and insisted I go with her. Somewhere. I didn’t feel like going, but she insisted.
Through the kitchen and living room, and out the front door into the crisp, cold air, she led me. The earth was covered with a foot or two of snow. The night was still. The moon and sparkling stars shone overhead. Far across the country road, our neighbor’s lights shed long reflections reaching across their yard to ours.
“Look, Mom. Isn’t it beautiful? And, it’s free,” she said, gazing out across the scene. “It’s free, Mom. God gave it to you to enjoy and it’s free.” It really was breathtaking. Like a striking black and white photograph it became etched upon my heart. My twelve-year-old had blessed me in a hard time.
And she was right. So much of what God lavishes on us is free!
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