Now, this is not what you think! It's not about congregations glaring at each other across the aisle or refusing to show up at a meeting because Deacon So-and-So said such-and-such at the annual meeting.
This is about the sad thing that has happened as a result of changing times. I think there is a verse somewhere that exhorts us not to look back and wish for the good old days. So, I must be careful here. I don't wish for the good old days...just the good old ways!
One of these old ways that I miss is responsive congregational reading or reading in unison of the Scripture on Sunday morning. It just isn't possible anymore because there are probably as many different versions in the hands of the people on Sunday morning as there are flavors of ice cream...well, maybe not that many. This is my greatest objection to the entrance of so many versions of the Bible. Something was lost when this part of the service went my opinion.
When studying for my degree in business, one of my professors emphasized that you should never go to your boss with a problem without three possible solutions. That has been good advice. So I have some ideas to fix this absence of congregational oneness in "out-loud" reading of some passage from God's Word. First of all, there are passages from the Bible in the back of the hymnbook that could be used, but soon the supply is limited. So, each week let's print an insert, include it in the bulletin or put it on the screen.
Okay, that's one thing.
The next thing is this: I know very well that this problem stems from a good thing, but the fact that churches now have first and second services...and sometimes more than that...makes it hard to know all the people in your church. I think work needs to be done to fix that. People say that you just need to get connected to smaller groups. That, I agree, is important, but that is not my point. I want to know EVERYONE in my church! Let's have more get-togethers for the people in both services and don't forget the name tags!
Okay, now the issue that is really on my heart tonight.
There are so many ministries in the church now...and that is SO good...and people in the church are really involved...and that's good...and I know that many entities within the workings of the church pray together for a vast number of prayer requests...BUT...the full house weekly prayer meeting is disappearing. Even churches that have a well-attended mid-week service use it more for a Bible study than a down-on-your-knees-crying-out-to-God prayer meeting. I think folk could argue with me on this based on my own statements that start this paragraph, but in my heart, in the throes of the struggle of this life, I know that corporate prayer is powerful.
It's the way of life now. It is a good way of life, this two-service church scenario. Praise the Lord for a growing, vibrant church. But I think we should do more to tie us together. That's my opinion.
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