Now this goes along with what is written for February 2. We must face the fact that young people of today have grown up, not only with less-than-noteworthy examples in marriage, but also with a bombardment of anti-Christian marriage from the bulk of media.
It makes me sad to know what the secular world portrays as marriage. It is as far from the truth as the east is from the west. It makes me even sadder to know that young people watch such programming. And what makes me even sadder is that no matter how much protecting you do of your kids, the scheme of Satan calls for finding the chink in the armor. Much of TV programming puts forth the image of a dumb husband. On the other side of the coin, women are portrayed as either loud and snotty or frail and vulnerable. Now, I know this is not always the case, but if you watch carefully, and listen carefully to radio commercials, you'll find this to be true. Once, Ken came home greatly perturbed because he had heard a commercial on a Christian radio station which depicted the husband as sort of a dork on the subject of giving and wills. I urged him to register his concern. He dictated a letter to me, I typed it up, he signed and mailed it.
If you continually give a message that men are weak and clueless, they will be weak and clueless. God made men a certain way and without encouragement and teaching and genuine cultivating of that God-given point of character, they will be weak and clueless. It's a hard thing. You just don't want to build them up when they are acting like dorks! And often, they are clueless about what is going on in their home.
So it is with the women. I see them frantically trying to figure out their role. Things are not what they should be so they choose one of the paths...loud and snotty or frail and vulnerable...and this becomes their norm. Wives are clueless about the strength and influence of a woman in line with God's guidelines. If they continually get the message that they don't know much, they will become loud and snotty or frail and vulnerable.
And if men are made to appear stupid on television, on the radio...or anywhere else...i say that they will turn out to be dorky men!
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