The month of February, known for Valentine's Day, seemed like a good place for me to share my thoughts on why Christian marriages (and I supposed non-Christian) are failing. There is no shallowness in what I have to say; my heart has been in a state of searching and weighing for several years now. What will be written on the 28 pages of February in this, my website journal, is the result of my own lessons learned and the lessons I have taught. Some of it comes from what I have seen in the lives of those around me and some of it is common sense.
My heart is deeply and nearly irretrieveably grieved over the condition of much of marriage in the church of Jesus Christ. A thousand times I have asked myself, "What are we doing wrong?" I have discovered some of the answer to that question. It took some heavy pondering and weighing to come up with even that "some of the answer." The answer goes deep and it goes long.
Will this do any good? I don't know. What I do know is that it will get the bulk of the burden off my chest. What I pray is that married people, potential married people, and those who carry any kind of influence in those lives will pick up some valuable, tangible ways to change the course of individuals and of the whole subject.
So here goes.
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