The Journey and the Journal


Exodus 33:11-22


This passage in Exodus 33 merits a whole plethora of entries into this, my journal. Stretched upon my bed, reading the Old Testament passage for the day, I consumed words that I have read so often before, words that have always deeply affected me. Yet, this time, it was as though it was new…again. I could hardly breathe as I read each phrase. A phrase…lay my Bible facedown on my chest. A phrase…then my Bible facedown on my chest. Again. The account of Moses and God talking things out…there simply are not words to describe how moving this passage is to me


There is so much to be said about God’s anger at the Golden Calf episode and His desire to wipe out the Israelites, not to mention the intervention of Moses. Pages could be written about how God spoke with Moses “face to face as a man speaks with his friend.” And how awesome are the words of Moses when he tells Almighty God, “if you do not go with us, don’t send us up.” If you can read these couple of chapters and not find yourself stricken in your heart and soul, if it does not truly make it hard for you to take a breath, you should have a friend take your pulse!


But for this page, I wish to put down my deeply emotional thoughts on one statement spoken by Almighty God. Moses leaves no doubt in our minds that he is craving an earnest relationship with God. We must be perfectly clear on that point before going any further. What happens here is not a description of anything that the word “casual” would express. This story, chronicled in the Book of God, the Bible, is almost beyond us, except that God seeks for people…friends….with the same passion for Him as that of Moses.


Moses wants to see God’s glory. That in itself is hard for me to comprehend. Who would think of such a request? Who would dare ask it? This is Moses…who had heard the voice of God from the midst of a burning bush, announcing that His name is I AM. Moses had no shallow experience with God, even at this point. He was serious about knowing God.


So, God, our God, tells him that there is no way that he can see His face and live. He then tells him that he will pass by and that Moses can see the back of Him as He moves away! The whole narrative is astounding and gripping.


But the part I mean to speak of, and I’ve taken a long time to get here, is this declaration to Moses: “There is a place near Me where you can stand upon a rock.” Oh, I could write forever on this statement! Taking it as it was spoken to Moses, and why it was spoken to Moses, is in itself a fantastic and solemn statement. But think about yourself! God is telling you, “There is a place near Me where you can stand upon a rock.” You can stand there today if you choose. God seeks people interested enough in an authentic relationship with Him to settle for nothing less than standing near Him on that rock..


I was overwhelmed. Actually, “overwhelmed” is not a sufficient descriptor. With my eyes closed and my whole being focused on the offer to stand on a rock provided by God, near Him, I found myself in much the same frame of mind as I am when I try to fathom the universe. My God wants me to stand. He wants me to stand on a rock. He wants me to stand on a rock near Him! You must read the Golden Calf chapter and the two that follow. Find them and find a quiet spot. On a rock. Near Him. Read the chapters ten or twenty times.
