In the exciting days that followed my introduction to the life of George Mueller, our lives consisted of one step of faith after another. The fact that we had five children within 6 years of each other made it hard to put milk on the table. God always supplied, one way or another.
Life was very hard. I suffered some sort of a breakdown after Ginger was born and was barely back on my feet when the twins arrived. It was a time of a thick relationship with God, sometimes strong, sometimes weak, but always with a goal in mind of truly becoming what He wanted me to become.
Not always did I trust the Lord. Not always was I in a positive and believing frame of mind. Yet, underneath, as real as the air I breathe, was a foundation of belief in God and a desire to follow Him that could not be shaken. So, often I would make sure to spur my little ones on to step out in faith, to learn of God for themselves.
One Christmas, when Angela was four or five, we were in the throes of trying to find the tree stand and had searched the house to no avail. I remember right where we were when she said, “Why don’t we pray for God to help us find it?” That is what we did.
I don’t remember how it all came about, but within a very short time...minutes...the Christmas tree stand was found in the detached garage. Why it was out there, I do not know. At that time, the garage was used fully for Ken’s cars. All the Christmas trimmings were in the house. It was a milestone for Angela. Many years later, I heard stories of amazing answers in her life...strange gifts of money, almost exactly what she needed the next day...groceries left on her doorstep...answers from her Heavenly Father.
Another story. One sunny day, Ginger came into the house, sad and as depressed as a little child can be in one of their crises. “I wish I had a friend. There are no little girls around here for me to play with.” I asked her if she believed that God could give her one. She said she did. So down on our knees we went next to our curved green couch, bringing our requests before God. “Now, go outside and look for your new friend,” I urged.
I was not really surprised when an ecstatic Ginger burst through the door with incredible news! Hardly able to talk she told me that around on the other side of the block, she had met a little girl named Linda. “She is my size,” is how she put it. The summer months were shared between our house and Linda’s.
We have a photo of Ginger and Linda, sitting in front of our house with their swimming suits on and their arms around each other. To me, that photo is a confirmation of God’s faithfulness to His Word. God cares about our needs…but He, more importantly, is always working towards teaching us about knowing who He is and acting accordingly.
Quietly, as I ponder these things in my heart even now...I know that these were significant steps in the intimate walk with God.
Jeremiah 29:13
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