With the weight of, oh, about ten burdens on my heart, one surfacing in particular today, I did what I often do--took a ride in the country. For the first half of the trip the beauty of the farmscapes thrilled me and as usual, my mind was saying, "I love the country...oh, how I love the country!"
Well into the little journey, I decided to work on my memorization of Hebrews 11 and started in quoting it. Though it is pretty well nailed down, I still had to turn on the Bible CD now and then for a little help. I did make it through a couple of times and then, with my head swimming as a result of learning whether each verse says "through" or "by" faith, I decided to let the CD play. Hebrews 12 followed. It was so good. Then thirteen.
Then came James. I like James so much, but there have been a few things that have been hard for me to grasp wholly...being honest. It has been one of those things where I just accepted it as right since God spoke it, but no one has really ever offered a good explanation for the "faith without works" issue.
Today, out between the cornfields (which are getting tall too fast!), God quietly taught me what it all means. It is so easy.
God just seemed to talk quietly with me. "You're memorizing the faith chapter, right? Why?"
"Because I have such big battles that I can't even pretend to be able to fight them, so I'm memorizing who all the giants of the faith are and what made them special enough to make it into the Hall of Faith."
"You want to be like Sarah and Abraham and Isaac and the rest of them, right?"
"Well, yes."
"There is something written about each of those people that would give you the answer that you are seeking."
"They had faith."
"What else."
"Come on, Sharon. I gave you a good head."
I thought through some of the verses. The walls of Jericho fell down by faith...after they were compassed about seven times. Abraham showed that he was really believing that God could raise Isaac from the dead by walking up that mountain, laying his son on the altar and raising the knife. Rahab hid the spies. Abel offered the right sacrifice, by faith.
Quietly, the truth of this long un-understood passage hit me. I am fervently praying for these issues in my life, night after night on my face before God, my faith becoming strong. Then when things don't look fact, they look downright discouraging...I want to withdraw, I want to run, I want to quit. God showed me that faith without evidence of that faith is dead. Faith without assurance and resulting actions is dead. I say I believe God can do these amazing things that need to be done, but my actions don't back it up. My facial expressions try to help God out. My silence tries to help make it happen. I often try to bring it about with my words.
In actuality, I learned this years ago. I just didn't know that it was this faith without works thing. I worked in a place where the boss, when he got mad at me, would take me from my preferred duties, the ones I had been hired to do, and would stick me in a spot that I hated...and it meant interacting with the customers. I hated being there, and I hated that he treated me in such a way. But, I tried to commit it to the Lord. That commitment would last for a little while, but then a scowl would slowly appear on my face.
Back and forth I would go, trying to get it conquered. Finally, the truth hit its mark: if I am truly commiting something to the Great God, I must not do anything to try to help Him along. Commiting meant waiting for Him to do something about it and my doing what I needed to do without any signs of trying to make anything happen. Committing meant continuing the walk, not losing a step, waiting on the customers as a genuine employee, showing by the whole of me that this issue was entirely in the hands of God.
This is what I see as "faith with works." Perhaps "faith with evidence" would make it easier to understand. I say, "Lord, Your Word has stirred up faith in me...I trust You that You are going to do mighty things...I will stay out of the way...I will move ahead with life, obeying You in the things You've told me to do.
For me it meant turning my car around, going to the store and getting groceries, giving up the urge to run or hide or stay in a motel somewhere and walking in trust that God will answer my aching prayers. Watkins Roberts, the missionary to India who left that field after two weeks, feeling like a complete failure, found out years and years later that his short term there had meant the salvation of thousands of people. When he found this out, he said, "What an amazing Christ...He never seeks for our approval...only faith to believe He is at work when all is mystery."
Faith with works is faith with just going on like always, doing what is right. Walking around the city seven times and standing at the Red Sea and raising a stick over the water are shows of faith. They are the "works". They are the evidences that you really believe that God is at work.
I don't like when I can't express myself so that I am sure my readers will understand what I am saying; but in this case, it is enough, at least for today, that I really get it. God told Gideon that He was going to defeat the Midianites; Gideon eventually believed Him; Gideon went to battle. Evidence.
So, my life is the richer for my trip to the country. God used His precious Word to teach me once again!
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